Request a free trademark report

Fill out the form below to request a free trademark search. We will then review your options and inform you about them without any obligation.

Do you sell in various jurisdictions? Select those appropirate, including "rest of the world".
If the logo of your trademark is simply the name in a specific font, it is often sufficient to register only the name as a trademark®. However, if it has distinctive features, registering both can be beneficial!
Fill in your contact information here, and we will get back to you as soon as possible with the results of the search!

The results of the trademark search will be provided to you within 48 hours (on business days)!


With this free trademark search, a trademark attorney will review whether your trademark is available for registration and whether it meets all legal requirements for registration.

Free & without obligation

After the search, you can decide for yourself if you find us a suitable party to register your trademark, and you can always indicate that you do not wish further contact.

Personal support

Ask any questions that come to you to one of our experts!

Frequently asked questions:

Yes, a trademark search from Trademarkmeister is a free service we offer to inform businesses about:

  1. The availability of trademark registration (are there already other trademarks registered, etc.)
  2. The scope of a trademark registration: either in the Benelux, the entire EU, additional countries, etc.


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Trademark registration is the best way to legally protect the reputation of your brand®: the unique feeling customers associate with your brand® cannot be misused by others. Having a registered trademark, means that your business name or logo is officially recorded with a governmental office, giving it the legal monopoly to use that name or image.

A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods or services of one party from those of another. The word “trademark” is commonly used in English, which is why our company name includes it. Trademark registration legally protects a trademark and secures its distinctive identity. Many of the well-known brands, logos, and slogans that you know and trust are registered with the EUIPO (as an EU trademark) or UKIPO (as a British trademark).

In principle, registering a trademark is a confirmation that this is your property at the national (or EU) level and gives you the exclusive right to use the trademark in that area as you wish. Trademark registration can help prevent someone from later registering and/or exploiting a similar trademark, which can naturally be very inconvenient if it occurs. Once a trademark is registered, you can immediately begin using the ® symbol with the name, logo, or slogan. Note: Using this symbol without registration can be misleading to consumers.

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